- What is your favorite book?
- What kind of music do you like to listen to?
- What songs speak to you when you're sad, happy, etc.?
- How would you spend a million dollars?
- What super power would you have if you could pick any one?
- What would your three wishes be if a genie appeared before you right now?
- What's your favorite meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and what's your ideal menu for that meal?
- What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
- Favorite movie?
- Would you be more likely to watch a sunrise or a sunset?
- If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you have?
- What are five places you want to visit?
- What would you title your autobiography?
- What one person, alive or dead, would you most want to have dinner with?
- How would you describe your "happy place"?
- What color makes you happiest?
- What is your favorite birthday memory?
- Do you have a favorite Bible verse?
- What was your favorite hobby growing up?
- Do you understand things better in written or oral directions?
- What's your favorite dessert?
- Who is one of your personal heroes and why?
- What is or was your favorite subject in school?
- What character trait do you value most?
- What actions make someone respectable in your opinion?
Dear Giselle, I struggle a lot with my self-image, and I feel so uncomfortable in the summer because the clothes are so much smaller. What can I do to feel less self-conscious about my weight? Thanks in advance, Summer Self-Image Struggler Dear Summer Self-Image Struggler Summer is often a time when people feel most self-conscious about their bodies, but there are a few things I would suggest that can help alleviate those concerns and boost your self-confidence. First, I would suggest you look up Bible verses to memorize about how much God loves you. No where does God say anything about loving skinny people more than fat people or blonds more than brunettes. In fact, in 1 Samuel 16:7 it says, But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do noy look on his appearance, or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." (ESV). Remind yourself often of this truth because G...
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